Hari ini, banyak desas desus yang mengatakan Ezam Mohd Nor – alamak macam adik-beradik plak dengan Nora Mohammad Nor akan menyertai UMNO. Banyak yang bising-bising dan banyak yang SMS Nora kerana isu ini. Hairan betul waktu Ezam dok diam tak de lak nak tanya khabar dia dan perjuangan dia. Tak plak nak bantu GERAK dengan program-program anti rasuah.
Senang bagi Nora, sekiranya Ezam beralih angin tetapi tetap dengan perjuangan membasmi rasuah maka dengan sendirinya Nora sokong. Perjuangan bagi Nora bukan sokongan pada parti atau individu. Macam ini lah kalau Ezam jadi menteri dan melakukan rasuah, kita tentang habis-habisan dan sekiranya Anwar Ibrahim dah jadi kerajaan negeri lupa pada perjuangan asal untuk menjadi telus dan rasuah maka kita juga tentang.
Hari ini ada ura-ura yang tak “best” turut berlaku dalam kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan Perak. Namun mungkin masih baru tetapi kalau cite-cite yang di ceritakan pada Nora betul dan ada kesahihannya maka kita yang bergelar reformis patut bangkit untuk mencari penyelesaian. Perjuangan adalah untuk rakyat. Kalau di runtuhkan rumah “peneroka kota” semacam mana Khir Toyo buat maka kita juga tentang Kerajaan Negeri yang ada.
Nora percaya itu hakikat kita yang di gelar reformis. Nora sendiri bukan di tahan dan menjadi OKT untuk reformasi Anwar Ibrahim tetapi sebelum itu adalah kerana melanggar DBKL yang masa itu, kini dan selamanya menghimpit nasib peniaga kecil sahaja.
Namun untuk tanya Ezam Mohd Nor masuk UMNO, Nora tak leh jawab. Tanya Ezam sendiri. Dia yang lebih mengetahui. Lagi pun Nora pun lama dah tak jumpa Ezam ini. Nora pun sibuk untuk cuba berniaga bagi mencari rezeki membesarkan anak-anak.
Banyak betul soalan yang perlu Nora jawab, satunya adalah kenapa Nora keluar PKR dan masuk PAS. Nanti ok. Baru balik, lelah tak habis lagi. Nanti malam-malam Nora “up date” lagi mengenai Ezam dan pegangan Nora sekiranya Ezam masuk UMNO.
Apa pun bagi Nora perjuangan itu adalah perjuangan untuk rakyat dan bukan individu. Sekiranya perjuangan itu adalah untuk membawa kebaikan bagi kita dan rakyat Malaysia umumnya maka di situ tumpah sokongan Nora...hihihi ada apa-apa lagi soalan?
tak kisah asalkan niat dia baik! dalam PAS pun kalau hati dia busuk, busuk juga kan? bisalah ada orang suka berenang di arus deras dan ada juga yang suka di air cetek! hee hee . saya nak tanya nora ni orang mane? kenape tak kenalkan hero nora kat kami di blog?
Salam moutdweller,
Terima Kasih kerana sudi memberi komen. Komen sebeginilah yang kita harap untuk sama-sama menegur dan memberi pendapat.
Nora lahir di Pasir Mas Kelate, ma orhe pasir mas abah pulok orhe tumpat depe masjid genting. Abah asal dari thai. Hero tak payah komen...ade le cite.
Anyway kita sokong apa yang memberi keutamaan pada rakyat...
Salam buat Nora dan teman sekalian,
Hanya nak tumpang berbicara soal Ezam . Saya ada buat komen di blog tapi bukan pro dan tidak juga kontra kerana amal sesiapapun selagi hidup ditentukan oleh niat dan cara yang betul. Niat buat baik tapi mencuri adalah berakibat kepada tak betul dan tak baik. Begitu juga dengan Nora nak sokong atau tidak adalah hak Nora 100%. Jadi tepuk dada tanyalah selera dari ilmu yang ada.Semoga ada hikmah dari apa juga yang terjadi dan akan terjadi. Hidup dalam perjuangan seperti yang telah Nora dan teman reformis lalui amat mulia disisi manusia dan tuhan. Tidak akan ada siapapun dapat menafikannya jika perjuangan itu atas kesedaran yang dalam, ikhlas dan berpaksi kepada ilmu yang benar . Ramai di kalangan para sahabat nabi yang berjuang tidak dikenali oleh sejarah bahkan jika dikira amal mereka amatlah tinggi. Jadi nilai perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan yang lalu adalah bukti sejarah dan amalnya pula pasti tercatit sebagai amal yang membawa ke syurga selagi tidak ada kotoran niat selain untuk memertabatkan nilai mulia sejagat. Allah yang maha kaya dan adil adalah titik bertemunya seluruh nilai amal kita. Semoga kita semua tidak kecewa ketika bertemu dengan Allah kerana banyaknya amal kita yang didelete sebagai amal yang soleh.Pilihlah yang terbaik dari yang baik atau jauhkan yang terburuk dari yang buruk!!.
Bukan tidak ok ezam masuk UMNO, tetapi segala perjuangan beliau tentang kezaliman UMNO dahulu, bagaimana? adakah UMNO sudah bersih seperti mana Ezam mahu. Kalau ezam mahu masuk UMNO untuk membersihkan parti itu, saya jangkakan ezam tidak larat nak buat seorang, siapa ezam di mata pemimpin2 UMNO yang gilakan kuasa ini.
Kalau tidak sebulu dengan PKR, lebih baik masuk ke PAS, boleh berjuang menggunakan platform PAS. Saya takut ezam dipergunakan oleh pemimpin UMNO seperti ruslan kassim. Ini pula cerita chegubard nak masuk UMNO juga. harapan mereka tidak akan masuk UMNO.
Ini bari berita yang tidak menjadi kenyataan lagi, diharap tidak akan jadi kenyataan.
Saya bersetuju dengan Puan, bagi saya kita menentang segala kemungkaran yang berlaku, tidak kira di dalam BN mahupun di dalam Pakatan Rakyat.
Jangan Lupa layari blog saya di http://khairilazuar.wordpress.com
bagi komen setiap artikel yang saya tulis. …ada artikel baru
alai nora comellote,
soal berjuang tu baguslah. tapi kita kena reti feel umno ni. pijak saing duit punya hal. dlm kepala hotak dia projek-projek-projek. Kita ambil contoh waris kawe ni masuk umno kerana duit saja. rumoh dkt masjid - hari-hari lalu tengok masjid pagarnya buruk - dindingnya tak bercat - apo lagi dia pun sound ketua bahagian. Dapatlah dia projec cat masjid . Suruh dua tuga budok2 buat kerja. Balanja yak seberapa duit banyak masuk poket.
Kawe pun kerja kerajaan juga. reti sngat orang umno kekah duit rakyat. masuk tender main kabel. letak harga mahal-mahal kerana nak bagi banyak lappis. Umno memang kebal buat kerja jahat ni.
Hari ni hari pertama Harimau baca blog Puan Nora ni. Not bad. Kira tahap serikandi...cuma bila nak serikan kanda?
Harimau nak tunggu bila DSAI nak bagi sebab kepincangan PKR yang semakin menjadi-jadi...Mungkin DSAI pun dah hilang saktinya seperti Pak Lah? Sapa tahu?
Assalamualaikum, aku rasa EZAM masuk UMNO untuk menyekat kemaraan NAJIB menjadi PM yang keenam.
anyway, kita pikir yang positif2 aje. satu lagi, aku raser Ezam menyatakan alasan dia masuk UMNO hanya sekadar alasan dipinggiran umpama melepaskan batuk di tangga.
Berkenaan menyatakan perubahan tentang institusi kehakiman tersebut adalah saranan daripada SURUHANJAYA DI RAJA atas arahan daripada AGONG dan ini terjadi daripada tercetusnya VIDEO LINGGAM, kalau tak pecah tembelang, mampos depa tak buat....
TAPI, tak tahulah, sistem KEHAKIMAN still macam tuh gaks tapi bukan LINGGAM dah jadi orang tengah!!!!
P/S: apa2pun, jangan gaduh2, aku mahu pemimpin baru, aku tak suka orang yang sama dah terang2 melakukan rasuah dan aniaya, ISA? ALTANTUYA? NORITA? RABA PUNGGUNG? CHUA SOI LEK? sebab apalah PEMIMPIN kat MALAYSIA camtuh, takkan Malaysia takder orang cerdik lagi kuk?
BUANG KAHAK LEPAS TU JILAT SEMULA...ezam oh ezam..rahsia negara yg berkotak2 kau simpan tu dah jual kat KJ ke???....
tahniah..k.nora dah ada blog sendiri..
Ezam masuk UMNO...seolah-olah, bakal berlari di pintu syurga pulak..nak masuk ke dalam seperti tidak layak..nak berdiri di luar...tapi nikmat syurga bakal terlepas...ape2lah Ezam...
Ezam..patut toleh ke belakang tapi dengan mata tertutup..
It is blatantly obvious to everybody except Umno gangs. That is because they are corrupted, suffering from denial syndrome, regressive Muslims, low IQ and living in the past. They would rather see and prefer the nation going to the dogs than having meritocracy and doing away with NEP.
Otherwise, how does one explain the rot and malaise this country is suffering?
I think most of us Malaysians know the country is rotting to its core for the last few decades. It only takes a Michael Backman to confirm it.
Such a pity this country could have been a 1st world country like Singapore but had to be misgoverned by a bunch of crooks using misguided policies for their own ends.
It looks like the country hasn't reach rock bottom yet and it is going to get a lot worse before it get any better.
Local companies are moving away, rich peoples are moving their money elsewhere and the country's top brains are simply draining away. Our leaders are still happily plundering the country's wealth regardless of everything else.
Our future is bleak, very bleak indeed.
UMNO = Untuk Makan Nasi Orang
This is a new generation of lazy malays who evolved from their lazy ancestors. Not surprising la! Wait for the next generation of lazy malays on the future with better parasitic economic policies.
The problem in Malaysia is, we shouldn't have independence from British at very first place. How nice it will be if Queen appoints someone calibre person in Malaysia like Satyanand. God bless Malaysia!
No need to look so far. Even our neighbour down south has an Indian for a deputy prime minister.
Man, don't forget the same southern neighbour is also having an Indian as president. Not for a single term. Now he is on his second term as president. This is called transparency!
The so-called unity in this country is very much superficial. There are only two reasons why it appears this way to the outsider.
1. Anyone that says anything about the Umno malay deems racial will be thrown to jail under ISA.
2. As general, people appreciate the harmony and peace in this country. Especially with all the terrorist attacks and wars all over the world.
As for a reason a true "Malaysian" race will not happen, there is only one. As long as the discrimination and separation of "bumis" and "non-bumis" exist. People will be automatically very conscious about their ethnic race.
The logic is simple, the more discrimination, the more conscious about their place in society and the more conscious about protecting the benefit of their ethnic race.
Once this "bumis" and "non-bumis" status is abolished and everyone is equal, citizens will automatically merged into one Malaysian race.
The cause is that Malaysia and Malaysians still prefer to have race-based political parties to rule this country.
Then, what you get are politicians who gain power using race-issues, and politician-wannabes like the upstart son-in-law playing dangerous claptrap racial politics to be in the limelight.
In a multiracial country like Malaysia, where Malaysians political maturity is just out of infancy, Malaysians become easy suckers and convenient victims of dangerous racial politics, including the manifestation of keris-wielding dramatics in public by minister come from these race-based political parties.
Initially three main component parties in BN were formed to show British that we, as the citizens of this land are unite and we want and can be independent.
After the May 13 incident and the introduction of NEP, the focus of each party changes to protect benefit of the race that represent under the segregation "bumis" and "non-bumis" status.
To me, Pak Lah focus on wrong direction, he is more like a "ketua kampung" than a prime minister. Prime minister should focus on making the country strong and able to compete internationally, and let the real "ketua kampung" worry about asking people to be polite, etc.
Can anyone blame those dissolution people for not flying the flag on independence day? To me, there is really nothing to celebrate about. We seem to be worst off in terms of racial polarization with each passing year.
Part 1 - The origin of pendatang:
· Malays - come from Indonesia and Yunnan.
· Chinese - come from China.
· Indians - come from India.
Part 2 - Why they come to Malaysia:
· Malays - easy life, food aplenty around those days, like fish from the river etc.
· Chinese - looking for a living.
· Indians - looking for a living and goes back.
Part 3 - Pendatang's attitude:
· Malays - the words 'relax la', 'bantuan kerajaan' and 'cukup makan' are their daily words.
· Chinese - work, work and work but also spend.
· Indians - work, earn and save but spend little.
Looking at the mindsets of various pendatang. You tell me is it possible to be one Bangsa Malaysia? Never! For oil will never mix with water.
If you tell the Chinese to close down Chinese schools, the children will not taught to be hardworking anymore, so they become lazy and can they ask for bantuan kerajaan?
No! Right? So let the Chinese have more Chinese schools to teach the principle of hardworking, integrity, trustworthy etc, thus others can get more shares.
Those days the government control the Chinese schools is because of communist. Now where got communist again? Bodoh!
The very foundation of Umno are lies - lies about May 13 riot, lies about secularity of constitution, lies about special right, lies about supremacy of court, and of course lies about the NEP.
How can our accountability and transparency not be limited by the very lies of the foundation of our governance?
Malays are more suppressed in their own country by Umno than the suppression suffered by Chinese or Indians. For their pains they are offered the rotten carrots of Ketuanan Melayu and NEP.
The suppression of malays is deep and internal while the suppression of Chinese and Indians is only surface in terms of benefits and material things. That is why some Chinese have the cheek to say that NEP benefits them as it makes them stronger.
The suppression of malays is mental and spiritual enforced by KGB police type tactics. The suppression of malays may be an eternal and permanent one. Umno is a cancer to malay society.
Let us face it, Malaysians.
National Airline = MAS = Loss Big
National Bank = Bank Bumi = Loss Also
National Car = Proton = Tak Boleh
National Policy = NEP = Never Ending Problem
National Road = Toll = Money For Warlock
National University = UM = Joke
In other words, whatever touch nationalised, just wait for the vultures to start feasting. Malaysians, you buggers are being taken for a ride by your leaders and yet, come election, don't know how to vote properly for the future of your children and next generation.
This race stereotyping is actually the work of the present day government, headed by the Umno racist using race and religion as a tool to stay in power.
The native of this land a.k.a. son of the soil are the native (Dusun, Iban, Kadazan, etc) of Borneo and the Orang Asli (Dayak, Jakun, Sakai, etc) in Peninsula. Not you malay arrogant pieces of shit!
Before the arrival of Islam into Malaya, the different races live in harmony without questioning race or religion. They may be cultural different but they accepted each other.
After independence, race was used by the Umno racist, and then formulated the NEP, which divided everyone. The Umno fascist use Islam in schools, universities and workplaces to segregate, and in the name of fighting PAS.
The modus operandi of Umno has always be, divide and rule, and the devil is in the details and implementation of the religious department.
Umno is king in creating diversion, when they are cornered, use race and religion. Race and religion is the most explosive issue and they have used it successfully since independence.
All this is done to perpetuate their hold on political power. It is for Umno benefits to play the race card, because this is the only way to ensure their hold on to political power. And 50 long years have proven them right. The race card works well and works every time!and works every time!
They have succeeded in keeping the races apart socially, and fanned animosity amongst the races with their discriminatory and racist politics.
All give politically reasoning - well here goes a correct one - malay is lazy because of Islam.
How can one pray 5 times and yet be expected to be productive? Wait for the foreigners to come and set up their factory and having to cater for Islam needs!
If malays embrace other religion then there is hope for Malaysia - otherwise your hope is in the existence of Umno terrorist liars - don't count on them being there forever - we are factoring in Umno racist absence in our business plan!
The problem with malays is that they forget too easily. It was the Chinese, Indians and Malays who fought for the independence.
The NEP was design to help malays catch up with the Chinese and the Indians. Now looks like after 40 years, the malays are still behind and very proud of it.
Still want to receive handouts from the government! Still afraid to fight it out on fair ground with the Chinese, Indians and other races! Fearful is the malay race!
Without the government subsidies and supports - I don't know how many malay businesses will still stand? So when can we see some towering malays and who dare to refuse government help and still succeed?
Grabbing other people success and call it your own success is not success but a disgrace!
Their laziness caused the nation's economy to slump and resources are wasted. They take 5 days to complete a day work. Malays always think that they are helping the other races when they are lazy. For God sake, please wake up! You are doing it for your own, not for anybody!
Majority of the nation need to be educated again. On the meaning of Malaysia.
If you turn on BBC, there are fair and equal coverage on the UK opposition parties.
So is NHK (Japan), so is KBS (Korea), so is CNN (America), so is CBC (Canada), so is ABC (Australia).
Even in our neighboring Thailand, their TV coverage is fair for both ruling and opposition parties!
Only in this Umno hijacked country that you find most lop-sided idiotic coverage on Umno and its running dog partners!
I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.
It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!
Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.
The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.
Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!
I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.
It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!
Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.
The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.
Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!
I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.
It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!
Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.
The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.
Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!
(1) Some malays will say:
· Without Mahathir, who is going to fight for us?
· Without Mahathir, where can Malaysia go?
· Without Mahathir, we will all die?!.
(2) Independence malays will say:
· I don't need Mahathir to make a living.
· I don't need Mahathir to fight for my respect and dignity.
· I don't need Mahathir so that I can gain recognition on my own two feet.
But sadly to say, most Umno malays fall into category (1). The malays mindset, when are they going to change!
Umno malays mentality:
They want money but they don't want to work for it. They want investment but at the same time, they are afraid of being taken advantage by foreigners. The real fact is, nobody is taking advantage of them.
The fact is, Umno malay leader has spoil their own malays.
The fact is, Umno malay leader has never think about the malays.
The fact is, Umno malay leader in the name of "fighting for the rights of malays" has abuse their power to enrich themselves.
The fact is, Umno government has destroy their own reputation by being unfair to their own citizens include their own malays.
The fact is, Umno government has display no respect for international rules, no fair play, don't play by international rules, being a recalcitrant like Mahathir, and hence no respect from anybody on earth.
The fact is, Umno government is corrupted to the core and always wants something in return by just giving speech and signing a few documents.
The fact is, Umno government does not get much recognition from other nations except for third world countries like Zimbabwe, Somalia and Cuba.
The fact is, Umno government can never provide high skills job to the malays. MNC company can provide high skills job to the malays.
The fact is, there is no substantiate fact to justify that Umno malay leader has improve the education levels of their own malays.
The fact is, so many malays can't get high skills job is because Umno malay leader has fail to emphasize education as much as Chinese parents onto their children.
The fact is, Proton is failing. The fact is, MAS is failing. The fact is, Malaysia is failing.
The fact is, malay land will never be develop, unless Malaysian Chinese, Singaporeans or MNC company invest and create value out of it.
The fact is, Mahathir has brainwash malays into believing that Umno will be their free welfare system, insurance system, and also provides money and food for all malays as long as they can.
Salam buat Saudara Hr9808,
Kenyataan saudara adalah seolah2 merendahkan rasul.
Rasul tidak pernah ketepikan sahabat, Rasul sentiasa ingat dan ingatan nabi tidak maklum dalam pengetahuan saudara, adalah lebih baik saudara bertaubat kerana kenyataan saudara amat bahaya dr sudut akidahnya. Jgn bicara soal agama jika tidak ada kepastian.
Baca buku siapa itu nabi2 baru saudara tahu bagaimana mahu mengaturkan bicara atas kelancangan menulis tentang Rasul.
Aspek ramai para sahabat nabi tidak dikenali sejarah adalah suatu kenyataan yang songsang, kenyataan ini mencerminkan saudara menuduh Rasul tidak cakna pada teman2 baginda. Tidak tepat analisis dan bicara saudara.
Harap saudara maklum tntg perkara ini sebelum menulis
Malaysia under Umno was, is and will forever be a basket case. What we see now as development and progress are merely internal consumption.
Unless the government commits to real change and wiping out of the current rot in Umno, Malaysia is slowly but surely spiraling downwards towards being a pariah country.
sy nak komen sikit kenapa cik puan menyokong sangat ezam utk masuk UMNO,ok...
hari ini kita lihat pemimpin yang 10 tahun dulu yg menjadi tulang belakang serta org kuat untuk mempertahankan nasib DATO SERI ANWAR IBRAHIM telah masuk kembali sertai UMNO...btl???
ape yg sy nak cakap disini mengapa isu kemasukkan EZAM ke dlm UMNO kembali telah di hebahkan dgn kuat sekali sehinggakan hari ini masih ada lagi berita2 pasal ini...kenapa ini terjadi???
sy nak owner blog ini fikir sendiri...
org yang byk membuat jasa dan yang telah pun membgnkan bumi malaysia iaitu TUN DR MAHATHIR,betulkan???
mengapa isu MAHATHIR keluar drpd parti UMNO sendiri tidak dihebahkan dgn hebat kpd satu malaysia oleh media dan kerajaan keluarnya seorg yg bsgt besar dlm UMNO itu sendiri???
sedangkan EZAM hanyalah ahli UMNO biasa dahulu sblm menyertai KEADILAN telah mendapat liputan meluas oleh media,inikan pulak MAHATHITR yg byk membuat perkara2 yg besar samada utk UMNO ATAU MALAYSIA yg hanya berita ini berjaya didiamkan oleh sesetengah pihak...
fikirkan motifnya,agendanya dan PERJUANGANNYA samada masih mcm dulu atau tidak....
Dah hilang pegangan...... Ezam dah biol......
apapun biar la saudara ezam bahagia n berjaya dlm perjuangannya.apa yang diimpikannya diharapkan akan dimakbulkan oleh yang Maha ESa.
cuma yang mengelirukan saya, bagaimana beliau boleh pertahankan prinsip dan dasar paklah dan umno, sedangkan beliau antara yg paling vokal mengutuk dan melaknat paklah dan umno.
apapun biarla ezam bersama kotak-kotaknya, boleh serah semula kepada kerajaan dan umno.
sedara ezam sama jer sperti nalakarupan dan yang lain2..org yang kecewa dalam perjuangan...sayang sekali
terima kasih
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